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How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Record in Maryland?

 Posted on February 14, 2025 in DUI Defense

MD defense lawyerThose who have a DUI on their record know just how difficult it can make life. Prospective employers can see a DUI conviction on your record, making it much more challenging to obtain a job. Car insurance rates increase dramatically when you have a DUI – assuming you did not lose your license for six months. If you have an ignition interlock device on your vehicle so you can drive, you are likely paying as much as $100 a month for the device.

Even if you are not sentenced to jail, a DUI can alter your life in ways you may not have envisioned. You may wonder how long your DUI conviction will stay on your record. Unfortunately, Maryland is one of the few states that may keep your DUI on your criminal record permanently. If you are facing DUI charges, the best step you can take is to speak to an experienced Towson, MD DUI attorney to understand your options.  

Will My DUI Stay on My Criminal Record Forever?

In most cases, a DUI will stay on an individual’s criminal record permanently in Maryland.  This means the record is visible to law enforcement insurers, landlords, prospective employers, and others who perform background checks. Since DUI sentencing is harsher for a second, third, and subsequent DUI, there is a "lookback" period that can be considered for these penalties.

Even though all DUI convictions can be seen on a person’s record indefinitely, the lookback period is 10 years for purposes of sentencing. This means the judge can take into account prior DUI convictions that occurred within 10 years when sentencing for a current DUI offense.

What Are the Penalties for DUI?

A first-offense DUI conviction can result in up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $1,000, a possible license revocation for six months, and twelve points added to the person’s driving record. A second offense DUI conviction can result in up to two years in prison with a mandatory five-day minimum, a fine as high as $2,000, a license revocation of up to one year, and twelve points added to the driving record.

Those who receive two DUI convictions within five years will have a license suspension period followed by mandatory participation in the BAIID (Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device) program. Participation in an alcohol abuse assessment and program is also likely. Enhanced sentencing can result when there are aggravating factors.

What Influences Sentencing for DUI Offenses?

Prior offenses will definitely influence sentencing for a current DUI. Repeat DUI offenders can expect longer license suspensions, more time behind bars, higher fines, mandatory BAIID, and participation in alcohol treatment programs. Those with a higher BAC (0.15 percent or higher) can also face enhanced penalties, including higher fines and mandatory minimum jail time.

Aggravating factors such as having a minor in the vehicle at the time of the DUI or causing property damage, injury, or death while driving under the influence can all increase DUI penalties. Finally, a person who refuses to submit to a breathalyzer or blood test may have his or her license automatically suspended and can face harsher penalties if convicted.

How Can I Avoid a Permanent DUI on My Record?

If you are facing a first-time DUI, it is essential that you speak to a knowledgeable attorney who will relentlessly fight the charges on your behalf. You may be eligible for a diversion program, which allows first-time offenders to avoid a criminal DUI conviction so long as all requirements of the program are met. Your DUI attorney may be able to have your charges lowered or dropped entirely if the police made mistakes or your constitutional rights were violated.

Contact a Baltimore County, MD DUI Lawyer

If you are facing DUI charges, handling them on your own is never a good idea. When you have a knowledgeable Towson, MD DUI attorney from Kirk Seaman, LLC, you have a much better chance of a positive outcome. Attorney Seaman is aggressive, trustworthy, and experienced. He has good relationships with prosecutors and judges in the area and is available 24/7. Call 410-837-6077 to schedule your free consultation.

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